Friday, May 25, 2012


I think this blogging is happening besides the obvious reason that I didn't have a date, but because I'm so past exhausted that I can't sleep, and stress won't let me sleep either. I'm also avoiding all of the housing that I should be looking at online because I know that's what I'm going to have to do all day tomorrow and Monday. I think I'm doing what most 20-somethingsandsingle's do: Avoid responsibilty from time to time. We're not quite "real" adults yet because we don't have the responsibility of marriage and family, so it's slightly more socially acceptable to escape for a little while. "Mormon escaping" usually doesn't include the typical alochol escape, and I guess mine tonight is writing.
    This will be short, however, as regardless of the aforementioned, waking up at 4:30 always wins over eventually. My week was pretty exciting, full of death threats, antics of a schizophrenic roomate, being hit on and asked out by older men at work, losing my car - the usual noluckEmily events. I stay in good spirits mostly because I know it could be worse - and it has been worse before. A lot of other good things have happened in the last couple weeks so I guess Heavenly Father had to chuck a boulder of bad at me to even it out or something gods do that my mortal brain can't comprehend. 8 days of school left, 4 of those being finals. Decided to coach another year of basketball, this year as Varsity Assistant Coach - a spot I've been wanting for awhile. Not thrilled about starting the season already, but, apparently next year it will be an all year sort of thing. Good thing I love the game so much. This is lame but I think if I could get tats one would be a basketball shaped heart. Haha. I think that is a good sign that I should go to bed. My lack of wit, interesting topics, and/or rambling could also be good indicators. I do feel less like a blog-slacker now though - hopefully my next blog will be as "usj". =D