Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just One of Those Days

A day where...
You need a hug
You question yourself
You fear your future
You lose your patience you're so well known for
Saving face isn't an option
You feel you could've done better in almost every facet of life

And yet...somehow....

You are humbled
You feel grateful for great friends and family
You seek to love those who try you more
The struggles of others brings back perspective

and ultimately...

You grow closer to the Lord
You feel your Savior's love

And you are thankful for that day.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So, just spent an hour + looking for this Scotland entry I wrote when the Glasgow airport got bombed and I got stuck in the London Heathrow airport for 12 hours while my luggage got sent to Austria for a week....but I can't find it so I gave up and did this survey. Maybe when I become a mom I'll get that skill of being able to find anything. Cheers.

First Name: Emily

Middle Name: Grace

Nicknames: Emma, Em

Birthday: January 8th

Age: 27

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Piercings: one in each ear

Current location: Mes-quite


Are You In A Relationship? Nope! Not for 4 months now

If Yes, What's His/Her Name?

Do You Love Him/Her?

How Long Have You Been Dating?

Do You Believe In True Love? Yes

Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? No

Food: All the bad stuff for me. breads, pastas, desserts. Maybe in the next life I can eat them?

Type Of Pizza: Lil Caesars or Papa John’s Pepperoni

Drink: Uhm water really.

Alcoholic Drink: Pssshhhhhh

Candy: Toughie….See’s Candy

Restaurant: Cheesecake Factory!!

Color: Purple

Type Of Weather: Rainy or beach weather

Season: Fall on the east coast and Spring otherwise

Holiday: Christmas

TV Show: The Office

Movie: Only one?!?!? Gah…uh…off the top of my head right now, The Proposal or Tristan & Isolde

Book: Les Miserables

Song: Anything by Lifehouse

Type Of Car or Truck: DODGE Ram! Car…something super nice? bentley? aston?

Number: 44

Quote: “Happiness is the Design of our existence” – Joseph Smith

Favorite Thing To Do: Travel

Have You Ever

Fallen For Your Best Friend: Yes

Made Out With JUST A Friend: No!

Kissed Two People In The Same Day: Nope

Smoked: Eww

Drank: Sick

Danced In The Rain: Yes

Kissed In The Rain: Yes

Cheated: Nope

Been Cheated On: Yep

Kissed Someone That Wasn't Single: Nope

Been Out Of State: Yep

Thrown Your Shoe At Someone: Yes haha my bro

Ever Gone Skinny-Dipping: Scotland

Do You Believe In Yourself: Yes

Do You Want To Get Married: Yes

Do You Like Thunderstorms: Yes

Do You Swear: *!@& no!!

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: I’m already grown up…I think…

Country You Would Most Like To Visit: Hmm Australia or Italy

Worst Fears: Space…lol

Your Good Luck Charm: what’s good luck? I don’t have any ha

WHO Makes You Laugh The Most: My friends

This Or That

McDonald's Or Burger King: McD’s

Dog or Cat: Dog

Comedy or Horror: Comedy

Coffee or Cappuccino: Hot chocolate? or caramel apple cider

Day or Night: Day

The Last
Person To Hug You: Huh…I dunno. I think my mom?

Kiss You: ex bf

Make You Cry: same

Call You: Mom

That You Made Cry: that one guy

Couldn't Take Your Eyes Off Of: Matt Bomer, White Collar.

Thing You Drank: Water

Time You Had Sex: Well, it’ll be when I get married duh

Movie You Saw In Theater: Errrrrr oh “Eat Pray Love”

You Touched: …this just seems awkward. My mom with that hug

You Instant Messaged: My baby sister McKay

Who Broke your Heart: same guy

Who Told You They Loved You: My momma!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Yeah, I know you're probably wondering what the title of my blog is all about. Well, it's roughly translated to "beautiful eternity" in Gaelic. Pretty much sums up how I think about life.
   Anywho, I don't know what possessed me to start a blog, and I didn't know it'd be so much of a time consuming pain either, but I figure hey, if they start up book burnings again, I'll have this at least...right?
   I've kept a journal since I was in 2nd grade. After it was stolen by a group of girls who shall not be named and the whole school found out I was in love with Rodney Leavitt, I stopped for a while, then picked it up again in 6thish grade and have kept one ever since. This is not to toot my own horn, believe you me. I just have always felt a need to write. Probably why I'm an English teacher...huh. It's therapuetic to me, much like working out I suppose. I won't stop keeping my hand-written journals, but there's something about pounding out your thoughts through the keys that relaxes me.
   Cheesiness aside, I don't really know where to begin. I could bore you with some general facts about my life I suppose. That's what good bloggers do right? Don't worry, I'll keep the torture short and sweet.
    I'm teaching in Mesquite, NV. LAST place on earth I every imagined myself. I hated having to come all the way here to play sports when I was in high school. When I graduated BYU in '08, I wanted to teach at some big high school in Vegas, but when I graduated, the only schools offering English teaching positions were the kind that puts out kids who my Dad prosecutes and puts in jail for his job at the Attorney General's office. He was not about to let me work at a school with a metal detector, but that aside, I didn't want to teach a bunch of remedial level kids who were put in a class because they were told they were dumb. It makes teaching pretty impossible when the kid is told that. I got a call from a family friend who happened to be a principal at VVHS, and here I am. I am thoroughly enjoying my teaching and coaching experience there, though after my mental 3 year commitment, new horizons may be within reach. For now I'm deciding when and where for a master's and enjoying the heat.
   I was planning on writing a lot more and less borish, but being as it's late and I gotta get up at 4:30...meh. Onward for now.