Monday, October 4, 2010

A silk comforter was a bad idea...

That title really has nothing to do with what I'm about to write. Just thought of it as I jumped onto my bed...anyhow, this entry isn't going to be at all witty or inspirational or even great. , I'm writing mostly to avoid....well, it's more than avoiding sleep really. It's trying to slow time. I tell myself if I don't go to sleep then Monday will come that much slower. It's not that I don't enjoy my job, even if I'm super behind with grading, it's just that some weekends remind you of life outside a 60-80 hour work week. I think looking at Homecoming week's agenda started all of this. In college they don't tell you that your job could actually go from 6 am to 11 pm. But why would they? Getting people to be a teacher is hard enough, let alone in this day and age with the caliber of teens and the struggling economy. Good thing I've never had money in the first place. Besides, if I pursue being a Dean or something administrative like that, I'm going to have to get used to those hours. Unless said suga daddy steps in and I get to have 4+ babies. But in the meantime...
     So passes another Conference Weekend. To sum it up, zero sleep, and I felt like I was in a movie all weekend. Conference was exceptional. It's always extraordinary, but exceptionally extraordinary? Guess it depends on the conference and how tuned in you are. Most interesting topic? Video game and texting addictions. How sad is it that the apostles have to keep getting more and more specific? I found it most interesting that he brought up the socialization aspect of those addictions. I, as an English teacher, of course, was fist pumping as he preached on. It's alarming how many of these 13-18 year old kids don't know how to communicate through writing let alone speaking to convey a message. But, I'm starting small. Spelling. So stoked for my ghetto spelling bee, just working on getting prizes and such from local businesses, movie tickets, free pizza, roller rink admission, foot longs, etc. If there is one I never expected to deal with in teaching it would be politics, the good and bad. I actually like the community involvement aspect of it. Coincides really well with what I learned from my mission and my current Relief Soceity calling. I'm grateful for a career that keeps teaching me and giving me new skills and lifelong learning. My sister Kelsie, who calls me "the churchy sister", would say that "I so would" pick a career that coincides with the gospel in various dynamics. Ha.
    Mission reunion. Well, it was interesting. I wasn't planning on going until I learned the Cannon's would be there, back from South Africa with a report n' all. It was a good reunion for the last one I'll be going to. I counted about 20 people I knew, the rest were from mission presidents before or after my "time". Really weird when you see kids with kids, if you know whadda mean. At least my greenies haven't had babies yet...then I'd be a great grammy. Bah. Traffic was horrendous as usual on the way up, but that's just part of the "experience". I think our next one should be in Ba'imo...we'll see how that goes.
    I've ran out of interesting things to say, which is probably a sign that my brain needs sleep, so I guess I better go read n pray n be on my way. Holluh lata.    

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