Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Blog, Same Ol' Girl

Hey all! Just wanted to give an update, without saying too much, but to sum it up, I went to lunch with a friend who has inspired me to expand my horizons and act more on my dream of being a published writer. So, in hopes of getting more traffic and views and learn more through others, I will no longer be posting on blogspot, but you can find improved edited versions of the posts here, and all my new ones as well. I'm going to be expanding my blogging to include reviews, travel, entertainment, sports, culture, etc, with a focus still on dating for now. I leave you with the quote that is upon the wall above my bed, directly above my head full of hopes and dreams while I am fast asleep.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and I hope to see you again soon at:

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