Monday, November 15, 2010

Late Nights and Loritab

   Teaching a Sunday School Lesson and Relief Soceity Lesson on top of attending a Relief Soceity President traning all in one day, all whilst under the influence of pain medication is a feat I wish upon no person. I don't really remember what I taught, and I'm hoping that's because my endless supplication for the Spirit to help me teach, and not because of the drugs. I THINK it was the first and not the latter because of all the great compliments and thank you's I got for the lessons, so my eternal salvation seems to be alright for now, thanks to the Lord.
   What I do remember from the Sunday School lesson was talking about God's law being written upon our hearts, and me comparing those little sweetheart candies with Valentine messages to OUR hearts, saying that we should have the words "God's Law" written on them instead. (Cheesy but genius right?! =D haha.) I quickly added that it was completely alright and neccessary for our spouses to have part of that heart and that God's law could be central being that I was teaching to bunch of LDS Singles and a branch presidency and their wives. After some smiles and chuckles my Branch President raised his hand and said, "That right there is the reason my wife was so attractive to me and why I married her. Because God's law was and is written on her heart."
  My immediate thought, which actually caused a delay in my response to his comment was, "What ever happened to men who think like that?!" Men who desire women who live their lives with hearts and eye single to the glory of God? Any guy out there reading this will say, "Oh please sister, get off your soapbox and quit being so bitter, it's not all about the looks", but looking at the statistics and lots of married and divorced friends of mine, those men seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth.
    I've found in my 27 years of experience with men - no, boys, that the more spiritual, educated, confident, and independent a woman is, the more quickly they tuck their tail between their legs and run. As my best friend's grandfather would say, "You gotta find a guy that isn't afraid of his own ass."
   I mean, think about it. In 30 years I will be wrinkly and gray and my looks will be gone. So what will be left and what will matter when I'm seeking to continue to raise a righteous family and have a relationship with my husband that needs to last for ETERNITY??  Certainly not how "HOT" I am or how much I put out. We'll be resurrected and have "perfect bodies",right? (And I certainly hope we're all ok with whatever God's idea of perfect is), so why does it have to be perfect now? Why do so many girls kill themselves at the gym, eat hardly anything, and spend loads of times and money on how they look when we're all supposed to live our lives with an eternal perspective?
   Even 20 years from now it won't matter how good I look in a bikini, but whether or not my husband feels he can tell me anything and talk about everything with open honesty despite both of our faults and weaknesses. What type of testimony I'm instilling in my children, and continuing to strengthen individually and as a couple. ETC, ETC, ETC... *sigh*
     My roommate and I joke that I'm going to adopt an adorable African baby and name him Francois, but as time goes on I'm starting to think that sounds a whole lot better than having to spend my life trying to match up to the physical aspects guys want instead of doing what I've been taught: to better my personality, and better myself spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and prepartion.for marriage and motherhood and JOY in eternal life.
    Now don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying ALL guys are like this, OR that there are some girls who fit this mold too. Anyone who knows me knows that I've mostly had all guy friends my whole life, and there are many of them who are married and fantastic husbands and fathers, married to the types of women guys should want. I also very firmly believe you HAVE to have chemistry, attraction, butterflies, heart flutters, etc, with the person you want to marry. NOR am I saying that all the guys in this world need to go and marry a very spiritual but ugly Ogre.
    But when a guy wants a date, and is weighing the possibilities, the likelihood of him sitting there thinking which girl has the better personality, who's the better person, or, "Wow she's got an amazing testimony" isn't what's on their mind - it's who's the nicest to look at; who will make them feel like a man, who won't overshadow them or make them feel guilty or insecure, but who will make them feel macho. My roommate calls them "the ball-less wonders" - guys who aren't insecure or intimidated by someone who will challenge or match them in those good Godly ways.
    It seems spirituality, once thought as "hot" or attractive, has been replaced by the Stepford Wives...maybe the second coming is a whole lot closer than I thought. Or maybe I need to not blog on pain medication :)

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