Monday, December 27, 2010

These Are A Few Of My Favorite/Least Favorite Things

This is completely random, and not as good as I hope it's going to be, because if I don't write down things right when I think of them, they are pretty much gone for good, but lately I've been thinking about what things make me tick, and tick me off. This post will be added to time and time again as things come.

If there's any bonus to being single at my age, it's that I feel like I know who I am, what I want, where I'm going, and what makes me happy.

Here are some random things I don't like. I'll top it off with the sweet stuff after...

1.) The white rind stuff on oranges. Disgusting. And the little thread-like stuff on bananas. Eww.
2.) Nails being scratched down a chalkboard, metal scrapping against sidewalk, anything that induces bad chills, really.
...I just realized that any individual could read this and use this to their advantage to torture me...shiiiiiiii...
3.) The sound of people eating. Yeah, grosses me out. I also hate the scraping of silverware against plates that you can hear too if it's too quiet.
4.) Bleachers with no back to lean against. Same with movie theatre chairs with no tilt.
5.) Along with 4, bad seats at movies. I'll go pretty early to get middle-middle.
6.) Seeing old people suffer. I RARELY cry, but I will burst into tears at the sight of such a thing.
7.) Twangy country music. Makes me think of that joke, "What do you get when you reward a country song?" "Well you get lots of things back. Your dog back, your exwife, your old pick up, and your glass of beer full again." Yeah.
8.) People looking over my shoulder when I'm doing something. Nosy nosy nosy.
9.) Hypocrits. Glad the Savior backs me up on this one.
10.) Wet socks. And a close second to that is cold feet.
11.) The smell of a candle being blown out. Dip it in the wax please, or get a candle warmer. It burns my retinas and my throat and oww/painful.

Things I Love:
1.) Flowers
2.) The smell and sound of rain, and if it makes a mist, even better.
3.) Guys dressed up for Church, with sleeves unbuttoned and rolled up the elbows. Yum.
4.) Post it notes and any other office supplies. Staples is like Christmas every time I walk in.
5.) The smell of coffee. Probably comes from my scottish Grandmother making it in the mornings when she would visit us growing up.
6.) Accents. Yeah, I wanna marry a guy with one. But if he is just really good at imitating them, I'll settle.
7.) Rainbows. I want to punch whoever associated them with homosexuals, because their real symoblism and meaning is what makes them really beautiful.
8.) Bookstores. Probably why I love Europe so much. I can spend forever in these puppies.
9.) Babies - in a totally non-creepy way! I get ridiculously giddy around them, and they all seem to like me. I think it's that fresh-from-heaven factor I like so much.
10.) Cuddling. It's like a hug but even better. And if it involves a beautiful landscape or a great movie, even better. It's a non ho-bagish intimacy that it just too sweet. I love seeing old people cuddled up on a bench. Too too cute.
11.) Surprises! Love love love them.

Well....11 for each will do for now. Guess it's my weird reflections before the New Year. 2011. Weird!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah Em - I'm all over #3 on the "do not like list." It seriously makes me sick. I'm glad it's time for the new year! <3 ya!
